5 Principles of Great Product Design

The mind of a product designer thrives on questioning convention and creating solutions to problems. But there is even more to great product design and the principles it focusses on. We have outlined our beliefs of what great design should do below:

Great Product Design Is Relatable And Understandable.

The power of great product design is to make the complex simple and transparent for users to be able to understand what it is and what it does immediately. The last thing you want to do as a product developer is to overwhelm your audience and create a complex set of instructions for your product.

Great Product Design Thinks Further Than The Now.

Whilst typically design will focus on the immediate user needs, great product design will consider the impact it has on social, cultural, environmental and economic factors and how these can change over time.

Great Product Design Is Trusting.

We believe that great product design doesn’t make promises it cannot keep – products simply show what they can do for their users and the value they bring to their lives without manipulation of truth.

Great Product Design Is Varied.

Research shows that customers prefer brands and products which show multiple traits (like humour, beauty, usefulness, and motivation) to those who focus on just one trait. Product design must create varied personalities and qualities to connect with people on an emotional level.

Great Design Takes Risks – And Is Confident About It.

Challenging the norm, taking risks, and doing so freely is a concoction for a successful product – and an even better product launch. People are attracted to confidence so believe in your design and others will too!

If you have a product idea and would like to talk to us about your journey, we would love to hear from you! Email us on [email protected]

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Traiga sus ideas de diseño de invención y proyectos de desarrollo de productos al mercado con éxito con Idea Reality.
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